| Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. | loading ...
Number of Visitors: 29303
Branch | CHEM | CIVIL | C.S.E | E.C.E | E.E.E | I.T | MECH | Total B.Tech | M.C.A- JNTU | M.Tech | Grand Total |
TOTAL Offers | 51 | 78 | 656 | 540 | 125 | 219 | 254 | 1923 | 47 | 9 | 1979 |
Selected Candidates | 30 | 62 | 232 | 211 | 67 | 102 | 140 | 844 | 26 | 9 | 879 |
Total Eligible Candidates | 40 | 71 | 251 | 244 | 95 | 106 | 173 | 980 | 45 | 21 | 1046 |
Branch | CHEM | CIVIL | C.S.E | E.C.E | E.E.E | I.T | MECH | Total B.Tech | M.C.A- JNTU | M.Tech | Grand Total |
TOTAL Offers | 42 | 70 | 598 | 456 | 109 | 205 | 166 | 1646 | 54 | 9 | 1709 |
Selected Candidates | 37 | 53 | 209 | 206 | 60 | 79 | 102 | 746 | 40 | 8 | 794 |
Total Eligible Candidates | 44 | 80 | 212 | 212 | 99 | 81 | 181 | 909 | 83 | 56 | 1048 |
Telephone No. : 91-891-2739507
Fax : 91-891-2739605
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