Highlights of M.Tech - Structural Engineering Program
  • Faculty with more than 15 years of teaching and research experience.
  • Research Facilities including modern Software tools for carrying out dissertation (project) work.
  • GATE stipend through MHRD, Government of India (@ Rs.12,400/- per month).
  • Compulsory 4-Week Pedagogy Training / Industrial Training part of the program.
  • All the departments are recognized as Research Centres by JNTU, Kakinada.


Name of the Programme Department Intake Senior Faculty
Structural Engineering Civil Engineering 18

Prof.P.Veerabhadra Rao
Dr.P.Krishnam Raju
Dr.G.Papa Rao
Sri K. Padmanabham



Contact for further information:  8885043402  (or)  9490748736










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