Welcome to the Placements Website for GVPCE, which is
having a proven track record in placements. Our
Graduates are attracting good number of Organisations
both from IT sector and Core Sectors. Some of the
Organisations visited our campus include L&T, Tata Elxsi,
TCS, Infosys, Cognizant, VNC, Kenexa, Yahoo! And the
list goes on. Also, the feedback from these reputed
Organizations about the Quality work of the students
recruited from our Institution encourages our Faculty,
Management to improve the Quality of education.
Year wise Placements

Contact Us:
Email : tnp@gvpce.ac.in (or) deanplacements@gvpce.ac.in
Telephone : 0891-2739507 Extn.
Fax :

Some of
the Organisations that visited our Campus for
