➢ Text Books are given on loan to students for a period 15 days and for staff for entire semester.

➢ The text books can be renewed once during the semester end-examinations.

➢ The users are advised not to carry bags, and other printed material into the Library.

➢ In case a book is lost, the borrower should pay one and half the times of cost of the book if the book is not in print and replace the same book if available.

➢ Before borrowing and accepting the books, the borrower has to make sure that the books are in good condition.

➢ Absence and illness are not acceptable excuses for exemption from paying overdue charges.

➢ Users are required to submit identity card while taking any material from the library.

➢ The Students are advised to not carry cell phone into the library. Strict silence is to be observed inside the library, as it is necessary for quiet study.

➢ Sleeping/indulging in discussion / any other activity detrimental to academic pursuits is strictly prohibited and those involved in such activities will be asked to vacate the center immediately.

➢ The library staff is also available to extend necessary help, if needed.

➢ Tickets are not transferable.

➢ Books and journals are to be borrowed in person.

➢ Users are cautioned not to thrown any litter in the library.

➢ Users are advised not to displace books on the racks from their original position.

➢ Production of “NO DUES CERTIFICATE” from the library essential for obtaining Provisional Certificate.

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