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Executive Summary

Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, recognized by AICTE and affiliated to Andhra University, was established in 1996. The institute offers 10 UG programs (B.Tech.) and 5 PG programs (M.Tech.) besides an MCA program. The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) accorded this institute with ‘A’ grade twice with a CGPA of 3.47 out of 4.0. Seven B.Tech. programs have been accredited by NBA at least thrice so far. University Grants Commission (UGC) has granted Autonomous Status and at present the institute is in its 3rd cycle of autonomy. The institute is a recipient of prestigious TEQIP-II under S.C 1.2 by MHRD, Government of India, for promoting PG and demand driven research, a project supported by World Bank. It houses Gayatri Vidya Parishad – Scientific and Industrial Research Centre (GVP-SIRC) recognized as SIRO by DSIR, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. Established the GVP-Prof. V. Lakshmikantham Institute of Advanced Studies (GVP-LIAS) in 2007, an offshoot of Late Prof. Lakshmikantham’s (Distinguished Professor and Head of the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Florida Institute of Technology, Founder of the International Federation of Nonlinear Analysts, IFNA) vision for a research institute that encompasses a broad spectrum of areas and works in collaboration with Department of Mathematics in particular and other Engineering Departments in general. All the UG and PG programs have been designed under the framework of Outcome Based Education (OBE). The institute has switched over to Choice Based Credit System from the academic year 2015-16 onwards. The college has been placed within top 300 institutes in Engineering Category of National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) / NIRF-Innovation, consecutively for seven years since 2017. The College has 262 faculty members of which 157 are with Ph.D. The faculty is actively engaged in research and consultancy. About 75% of these students are placed in various organizations and about 5 - 10% of them are pursuing higher education either in the national institutes of higher learning or abroad.
To evolve into and sustain as a Centre of Excellence in Technological Education and Research with a holistic approach.
To produce high quality engineering graduates with the requisite theoretical and practical knowledge and social awareness to be able to contribute effectively to the progress of the society through their chosen field of endeavour.
To undertake Research & Development, and extension activities in the fields of Science and Engineering in areas of relevance for immediate application as well as for strengthening or establishing fundamental knowledge.
With the objective of achieving the Mission and Vision of the Institute and the Department, Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs), Program Outcomes (POs) and Course Outcomes (COs) are developed involving the faculty members of the department. The Program Outcomes are designed under the framework of graduate attributes for engineering programs defined by Washington Accord. Based on the guidelines provided by AICTE and UGC, fundamental courses under different categories such as basic sciences and engineering, discipline specific advanced courses are identified. The Course Outcomes of all the courses are mapped to the POs and PSOs of the program.
The curriculum is discussed in the Board of Studies meeting consisting of experts from academia, industry, alumni and all the faculty members of the department. The suggestions made by the experts are included in the final version of the curriculum and the same is approved by the Academic Council and Governing Body for implementation. In each semester, feedback is collected from the students in the form of course end surveys. The suggestions, if any, are consolidated for review and consideration in the next BoS meeting.
The Curriculum also provides flexibility for the students to take courses of their choice from Professional Electives, Skill Based Lab Electives, and Open Electives. Self-learning is encouraged through award of credits from the MOOCs courses offered by NPTEL / SWAYAM up to a maximum of 20% of the total credits of a program.
The college also offers Honors / Minor programs for the benefit of students. To be eligible for the award of B.Tech. (Honors) degree, a student shall earn 20 additional credits through advanced courses from their respective branch / discipline to be eligible for the award of B.Tech (Honors) degree, in addition to fulfilling all the requisites of the Regular B.Tech Programme (earning 160 credits). To be eligible for the award of B.Tech degree with Minor, a student shall earn 20 additional credits through courses offered by other departments to enhance employability skills / competencies in the areas of his / her interest, in addition to fulfilling all the requisites of the Regular B.Tech Programme (earning 160 credits).
The students are admitted based on the ranks obtained in the state-level entrance examination conducted by Government of Andhra Pradesh. The admission process is carried out by the AP State Council for Higher Education duly following all the norms of both the central and state governments.
The kind of students admitted reflects the diverse backgrounds, different communities, gender, and locality within the State of Andhra Pradesh. Reservation policy is strictly implemented as per policy of the government which include students under sports, NCC, Children of Armed Forces and category with disability.
In addition to conventional teaching methods, student-centric methods such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving based on the subject-specific requirements. Self-learning is also promoted through MOOCs courses.
Faculty members have adapted themselves ICT and there are 11 nos of smart classrooms in the institute.
Slow-learners are identified through diagnostic tests and their performance in the semester-end examinations. Remedial classes are held for slow-learners in the regular sessions. In addition, students appearing for supplementary exams are given special coaching on a one-to-one basis. A provision is made in the academic regulations for Fast learners to opt for Honors and Minor programs. These students are mentored to participate in competitive exams like GATE and encouraged to participate in Hackathons etc.
With an adequate number of qualified and experienced teachers, the institution has been striving to maintain good teaching standards. The faculty continuously upgrade their knowledge and skills through regular participation in the Faculty Development Programs, Workshops and Seminars.
The assessment process is outcome based and involves attainment of COs and POs. The assessment in both internal and end-semester exams is based on the learning outcomes of individual courses.
Regular feedback on teaching-learning practices in the institute is assessed through student satisfaction surveys for the outgoing students every year and course-end surveys from all the students at the end of each semester.
The performance of the students has been consistently good with an average 80% of the admitted students in each year, across different programs graduating from the portals of the institution.
The institution has been promoting research through various schemes to encourage faculty pursue research besides teaching. About twelve (12) faculty members have been sponsored to pursue their Ph.D. in IITs / NITs under QIP Scheme since its inception. Several financial incentives are also being offered to faculty annually for publishing research articles/writing books, patents and funded research. For encouraging research among the students, fast learners are encouraged to pursue research to join funded research projects of faculty members in various departments. For attracting good PG students and research in the departments, additional fellowships for GATE rankers as well State PGECET rankers are being offered. There is a perceptible change in the quality of research publications in terms of increase in SCI/SCOPUS indexed journals in the last five years.
An exclusive centre for innovation exists in the institute to promote innovation among faculty and students. To inculcate the culture of innovation, a mandatory course on ‘Design Thinking and Innovation’ has been introduced at the second year level for B.Tech students. The institution encourages faculty and students to file patents with full financial assistance. The number of start-ups from the institution is five in the last five years. About 37 no of patents have been filed by faculty and students.
Community service is part of the curriculum for the students since becoming autonomous in 2009. The Centre for Foster Social Responsibility (CFSR), established in 2013, is very active in engaging the students in various community service projects. There are two NSS student units and nine social clubs actively engaged in community service. Organizing Blood donation camps, plantations, helping the needy at places like orphanages, promoting adult literacy among rural public are some of the activities undertaken by these groups.
The institution is established in the year 1996 and is committed to provide the entire necessary infrastructure to suit the demands of the courses and the stakeholders. The college plans its growth and allocates adequate budget for its infrastructure, laboratory equipment and other requirements. The College is situated in a beautiful green valley far from the madding crowds. The campus spreads over 20 acres with a total built up area of 43,400 m2 consisting of classrooms, laboratories, workshops, seminar halls, staff rooms, library, administrative block, canteen, hostels, Playground and sports room. The central Library, Digital Library, Learning Management Systems are in support to the teaching-learning process.
Class rooms: The institution has an adequate number of classrooms, tutorial rooms and this is verified each year by the affiliating university. The details are further uploaded to AICTE. Few classrooms have LCD projectors and access to internet connection to enable the students towards digital environment. Each department of the college has smart classrooms with facilities like TV, digital platform etc.
Laboratories/Workshops: The institution has well equipped laboratories with state-of-the art equipment and machinery. The necessary hardware, licensed/open-source software are available in each department to carry out the academic and research activities. All the labs are provided with uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
There are 11 smart classrooms available in the institution to promote digital learning and facilitate faculty to use ICT technology to improve teaching-learning.
The institution has an in-house software development centre (GVPIMS) that takes care of development and maintenance of Information Management Systems. This software is used by all the faculty members to keep track of the student attendance, internal and external marks and other student information required for day-to-day administrative as well as academic. In addition to the student information, the GVPIMS also automated the process of student feedback every semester and filing of performance appraisals by the faculty.
The college has a multipurpose playground for athletics, cricket and football. Apart from the vast playground, outdoor facilities available are badminton, ball badminton, basketball court, tennis court, throwball and volleyball courts. The department of physical education regularly conducts cricket matches, hosts football tournaments and track & field events by laying a 6 lane 200 m track during annual sports meet.
Student Induction Programs are conducted in the first year to help new students to feel comfortable and get acquainted with the new environment. The institution has a strong counselling and mentoring system in place for guiding and supporting students in their academic progression and general well-being. Each faculty in the department is assigned with four or five students for mentoring / counselling. Based on the performance of the students in the exam, the counselors either mentor them personally or attach them to a specific teacher for improving their academic performance through remedial classes. Similarly, fast learners are encouraged to collaborate with active researchers in the department to participate in research activities.
A career counselling and planning centre is in place to provide guidance in choosing their career goals and provide resources in that direction. The Training and Placement department conducts campus recruitment training to impart specific skills required for gaining employment. Alumni of the institute are involved in conducting “mock interviews” for the students before campus placement drive every year.
In addition, there are cultural clubs, sports clubs and social service clubs in the institute to foster holistic development of the students.
The governance of the institution involves all the stakeholders in preparing the action plans and goals for the short term as well as long term development aligned with the vision and mission of the institution. The future needs are identified through brainstorming sessions held at various levels. At the department level, the requirement of new facilities and introduction of new programmes are discussed and suggested to the administration. At the institution level, weighing the entire pros and cons, the new proposals from all the departments are discussed and finalized. The HoDs are permitted for procurement duly following the purchase norms for the final approval and implementation. The governing body on the proposals of the Head of the institution takes care of developments required from time to time in the organization.
The administration of the institute is decentralized. Principal of the institute is supported by the Vice-Principal and eleven deans for quick decision making and effective implementation of various academic and non-academic issues. Individual faculty members are also involved in various committees to look after certain academic and administrative activities like class committees, library, Exam section, time tables, social activities ,sports, cultural activities, TCS remote internship program, APSSDC activities (for skill development supported by local state government) and Institute Innovation Council.
In tune with the policies of the regulatory authorities, the institution constitutes various committees like - Grievance Redressal, Women Grievance Redressal / Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell, Committe for SC/ST, Anti-Ragging Committee etc. To facilitate free access with the members of the committee, contact numbers and mail ids are displayed at various vantage points. Parents and students are also members of the important committees to attain inclusivity in decision-making. Faculty and the staff are governed by effective code of conduct and their appointments are regularized duly following service norms. Research is encouraged through deputation of faculty under QIP with full pay alongside part-time research. Study leave for research and academic leave facilitating faculty participation in workshop / seminars / paper presentations are in vogue. Maternity and medical leave also are provisioned. Physical education and cultural activities are actively encouraged.
The institute has been promoting gender equity and organizing several programs for the benefit of girls / women. The college has a women welfare cell which conducts activities independently in the college for the benefit of the girl students and women faculty. A female Physical director is appointed to exclusively train the girls in various sports activities. Separate women waiting rooms are provided for the girls. In addition, the administration ensures that girls / women are included in all the committees in the decision making process of the activities of the institute.
Giving utmost importance to climate change and environmental protection, alternative energy sources like 100 kWp grid-connected and 100 kWp Wind-Solar Hybrid with Energy Storage have been installed in the campus. In addition, the institute has adapted many environment friendly initiatives like switching over to LED lighting systems in a phased manner, rain water harvesting etc. The campus is disabled-friendly with ramps, lifts and other amenities. Institution celebrates national and international commemorative days and events, primarily to promote the importance of the events and their significance through awareness to the students.
The institution has been making certain practices which are worthy of emulation. Two of these practices are related to involvement of students in social activities and design thinking and innovation. Since becoming an autonomous institute in 2009, social work is made mandatory for the students for the award of degree. Now this has evolved over a period of time and made lasting impressions on the minds of the students. Regarding innovation, a mandatory course on “Design thinking and innovation” has been introduced to all the second year students. This has motivated many students and with this the students are achieving accolades at national and other competitions.
With a mission to evolve into and sustain a centre of excellence in Technological Education and Research with a holistic approach, the Institution has been striving to maintain academic standards of its students with a sense of social responsibility. In this regard, the institution has been actively pursuing different activities to achieve its Vision and Mission.
  • The college enjoys full academic and financial autonomy since 2009 and hence is in a position to form its own growth pattern to introduce and experiment with new curricula, to introduce reforms in teaching learning process.
  • A committed and progressive management consisting of eminent academicians, industrialists and professionals.
  • The college is one of the most preferred colleges in the state. Every year more than 100 students get qualified in competitive examination like GATE and GRE. Every year about 10 to 15 students get admitted into higher institute of learning like IITs and IIMS.
  • The placement record of the college during the last 5 years is good with well over 70% of the eligible candidates getting placed in very good companies like TCS, Infosys, Wipro, L&T. At least 5% of the students go for higher studies in institutes like IITS, IIMs and foreign Universities.
  • Strong base for R & D work with externally funded projects worth about Rs.400 Lakhs sanctioned during the last 5 years. Consultancy earnings amounted to about Rs.100 Lakhs during the last 5 years. The affiliated University recognized the Institution as Research Center. More than 150 Scholars are pursuing Ph.D. under the guidance of the College faculty.
  • More than 50 patents were granted by the faculty of the College during the last 5 years.
  • More than 200 research papers were published in reputed Journals during the last 5 years.
  • More than 20 MoUs were signed with reputed Organizations during the last 5 years.
  • Many of the faculty lack exposure to actual industrial environment. The technical skills of supporting staff need up gradation to improve their usefulness and efficiency.
  • Faculties do not have sufficient time beyond their teaching schedule to pursue purposeful research work on their own. Full time Scholars are not allotted by the affiliated University.
  • The existing number of M.Tech. students is not sufficient to produce quality research output.
  • The quality of students getting admitted into M.Tech. programmes is not up to the required level.
  • Placement of M.Tech. students through campus selection is not up to the required level.
  • Not enough motivation for B.Tech. students to show interest in participating in research oriented projects or in developing innovative ideas.
  • Alumni contacts not to the required level.
  • Because of its reputation, the college attracts large number of students also from outstation places. The existing hostel facilities are inadequate.
  • The currently available number of externally funded R&D projects and consultancy projects is to be increased.
  • Inputs from industry in the choice of research topics are only marginal.
  • There is a vast scope for interacting with already existing industries and organizations like Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, BHPV, NSTL, etc.
  • Up gradation of the facilities in the college could result in collaboration with good quality foreign Universities and also with higher technological institutes within the country like IITs.
  • Increase in the M.Tech. and Ph.D. enrolment will improve the standard of research and consultancy at the college which will lead to increased and improved interaction with industry and also in the quality of students graduating from the College.
  • Some of the alumni are already in middle or senior management levels in the industries. They serve as role models for the juniors and they are also eager to help the juniors with an active alumni association. They can also help the college to obtain more and more industry and institutional contacts.
  • The enormous goodwill and reputation the college enjoys among the students, parents, industries and administrators can be effectively channelized for growth into a university level institution.
  • Tuition fee increase not keeping pace with the rate of increase in expenditure due to governmental controls making the cost of education increasingly difficult to bear with.
  • Other organizations luring away painstakingly trained faculty (ready-made Ph.Ds) by offering higher monetary compensation to a selected few.
  • Foreign Universities with good credentials setting up branches in India and luring away good quality students and faculty.
  • Fluctuation in demand for the courses offered by the college.
  • Government agencies preferring to go to only to Government and University Institutions for Consultancy and Sponsored Research assignments.
All the departments are equipped with laboratories not only to deliver the curriculum, but also have equipment beyond the curriculum to promote research. These equipment include Photonics Lab, Integrated Drives and Machines Lab, Grid-connected Solar PV system, Wind-Solar PV Hybrid System with Energy Storage, 6-Axis and 4-Axis Robots, to name a few. In addition, Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC) in collaboration with SIEMENS recognized the college as t-SDI through which 7 specialized labs costing Rs. 2 Crores were set up. Several skill development programs in the areas of Manufacturing (CNC/ Welding), Electronics, and CAD / CAM for the benefit of the students of the college and those outside the college. The library spends an annual amount of Rs.75 lakhs towards i) subscription to various on-line resources / journals facilitating remote access, and ii) procurement of books / magazines for the benefit of students and faculty.
The students’ performance has been consistent with about 80% of the students on an average becoming graduates every year. About 75% of these students are placed in various organizations and about 5 - 10% of them are pursuing higher education either in the national institutes of higher learning or abroad. The students are also actively engaged in co-curricular activities through student chapters of professional societies, participation in hackathons and other technical workshops / conferences organized by premier institutions. Students excel not only at the University and Inter-University levels but also win laurels at National Level in Sports like Roller Hockey, Skating, Athletics, and Swimming etc. Centre for Fostering Social Responsibility (CFSR) is helping students understand societal needs and importance of their contribution to the society through its extension activities. Gayatri College Cultural Club is harnessing the young talents in music and fine arts through its regular activities in the campus.
With an intake of 200 students and four B.Tech. programs in 1996, the college has evolved into an autonomous institution with an intake of 1260 students offering 10 B.Tech. programs, 5M.Tech. Programs and one MCA program. The curriculum has also evolved over these years offering Choice Based Credit System under Outcome Based Education. Now the academic and non-academic components of curriculum are in the transformation and moving towards implementation of National Education Policy, 2020.
The strategic vision, spanning from 2015 to 2030, outlines the institution's transformative journey towards achieving five distinct aspirations. These include attaining academic eminence through affiliations and rankings, revolutionizing research endeavors, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, establishing national/global academic partnerships, and championing sustainability and community development. Through meticulous goals, key milestones, and steadfast efforts, The institute envisions a future where it stands as a beacon of holistic education, impactful research, and societal progress on a national scale. The institution has already started a few courses in the emerging areas and wishes to start a few more courses in the areas of renewable energy, environment and health care to align the national goals of achieving net-zero and meet sustainable development goals.

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